Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day Almost Opening Night: I Love You Guys

Wow, so many things come to mind as I make this day-before-opening-night post.

Firstly: In my junior high years we too had our traditions. On opening night our...assistant director, Dylan (who everyone loved beyond belief) would have us all stand in a circle in widest the hallway, take three random people to put in the middle, had us all hold hands and we did what he called "The Pulse". Each member of the circle would make a "zzzzz" sound while we went around in a circle squeezing each other's hands with our eyes close. As they did this, the three people in the middle would  talk. I had the privilege to talk in the middle my very last show there. It was..emotional. People didn't cry, but everyone looks very serious after it.  Anyways, after the three speakers finished, Dylan would count down from 3 to 1 and at 1, everyone had to shout "ZAP" with all their might. Our actual director hated that we did this, but it was a very symbolic thing to us cast members. Dylan is now studying in L.A. I believe.

I know we won't do that on our show nights, but I just thought I'd share that with you guys.

Secondly: Alright, time for me to get sentimental about our time together.

These three weeks have flown by quicker than any other I've experienced before. I have grown rather attached to all of you and could not have asked for a better cast for my first show in North Carolina. I hope to be in many more shows with all of you guys, if possible. If not, you guys must come with me whenever I trek to N.Y.C for my adult years as I hope to do. Wouldn't that be a great adventure? Anyways, really, each day you've all..surprised my with your amazing acting skills and your willingness to learn and just how friendly you each are. Honestly, cliche as it is, this has been one of the best life experiences of mine, and I will definitely be investing the next few summers of my life at Burning Coal's STC.

Thirdly: If I don't get hugs from you all tomorrow at one point or another, by this hand, I will supplant some of your teeth!

I'm sure I'll post again tomorrow night and the day after, but for now, I'll leave you with some muzack.

-A solem song:

-A song that is somewhat similar to this summer:

-A song I listened to on Bevan's ipod today:

-A song that I'd sing to you guys if I knew all the words:


-A song that makes me think of our very own Steven Tyler, Daniel:

Sleep well tonight, guys! You all will need your rest for tomorrow!

Hugs and butterfly kisses,

-Your Emily Rose

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Thank you for making me the sacrifice today.

Gosh, I hate having to leave Burning Coal.. I have such great times there and then come home to headaches (there's just a lot of stress in my home currently). 

There's something I kinda want to tell you all. Well, in my junior high play's years, the week leading up to the show was called, by all the actors, "Hell Week".  Yes, we were all quite dramatic children, but really, that week really was ALWAYS Hell. You may think this an exaggeration, but I kid you not, it really was. There were so many factors that contributed to it being such a displeasure, but I guess what I'm trying to say by telling you this, is that this is the first week leading up to a show that I've enjoyed beyond belief! Yeah, we've had some rough spots, but honestly, not even close to as bad as other shows I've done. So high fives to you all! 

Wow, I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday, and then comes Friday, and then Saturday, and then... :(

Thinking about this, I decided I wanna meet up with you all again after STC's over. Like..soon. We need to make plans for this. Even Jason and Ian should come (wouldn't be a good time without 'em). I'd suggest my house..but's hardly a 2 storried townhouse. wouldn't all fit. But if a few of ya are ever around Cary, feel free to text me, and I will insist you come over. I insist you come over either way. Actually, in fact, all of you, come squish yourselves in my home. Now. 

OH! And I thought you should know that I checked out several plays from the library, so I think I sub-conciously took Ian's advice, and I'm now going to read as many plays as possible in my free time.

Alright, I shall leave you now with three songs, each with a bit of a meaning to me. 

^This one is a song I lull myself to sleep listening to most nights, although it makes me sad, because a close friend of mine who lives in Illinois really introduced me to it, and I'm missing him a lot. (Also, for the record, in the song I always change the name "Annmarie" to "Emily" because it makes me happy)

^Ah, this song... This is a song friends and I use to dance around stupidly in my room to. It just gives me a good feeling, and it's got a bit of a story in it if you listen to the words enough. And I absolutely love the sound. 

^Alright, I'll be honest, I have no idea why I like this song. I heard it on the radio a few weeks ago and found myself draw to this woman's voice. Each time, I can picture a welly choreographed dance number when I hear it. 

Until tomorrow,

Your Emily Rose 

Monday, July 23, 2012

I'm ok now...

Hey guys. Sorry to sound all conceited, but Jason said y'all heard a little bit of me crying today so now that things are calm I wanna sorta explain whats going on so you all aren't like "you're a spaz" (If you don't wanna read this you don't need to) Basically, My girlfriend and I broke up last month for private reasons and hadn't talked since. Last Thursday she contacted me saying she needed to talk to me and make it right. We scheduled to meet but it didn't happen cuz she never showed up. Well I got a call this morning from my friend who said Sara was dropped off at my house. I called her back saying I wasn't home and so she went to go get Sara back from my house but lee and I were walking to less car cuz she was gonna drive me home but Caitlin called back and said she found Sara in a pool of blood throwing up blood and was taking her to the hospital. The entire time we were dating she was anorexic and refused to eat and so her stomach would start eating itself and make her sick, so I knew that was what happened but it was never involving blood. Caitlin informed me that she was in really bad shape and could die if she refused to eat any more. I went to see her just now got home and pleaded with her to let the doctors help her but she refused. So not only did I get threatened again by her homophobic mother about getting shot if I approached her daughter but now Sara is going to die.. But yeah... So thats what was wrong. I love you all.... Taylor

Sunday, July 22, 2012

...and you thought my musical choices were strange.

This is the last ten minutes of Jarman's adaptation of the tempest...definitely the strangest adaptation of The Tempest I've ever seen.



The class this morning with Ian was really enlightening for me.  I really enjoyed learning about the 3 major components of acting because I had never completely learned about them together.

It is super exciting to see everything actaully coming together.  At first I felt a little lost but I am reassured now.

I have to admit I'm a tad be scared to be off book tomorrow!

Lastly, just wanted to say how amazing you all are! I can't believe tomorrow will be the second Friday. Yikes!

Kelly aka Ariel Katastrophe

P.S. Kelly and technology don't get along. ;)

Saturday, July 21, 2012


I'm going to the warehouse tomorrow to find some more steam-punky things like this:

For anyone that doesn't know what steampunk is, this is the look we are going for.  Very Victorian design sensibilities thrust into a steam-powered sci-fi world! ;)

Lots of leather, lots of brass, lots of ornamentation...but still lots of room for modernity: laptops, plugs, piercings can all be incorporated into steampunk.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

7/8. The Ship Was The Donut and The Tempest Was My Mouth

Once again, I kinda didn't do one of these for yesterday. I forget why. I just hate trying to write off of my iTouch, so I put it off. Anyhow, we did fun stuff. This guy, Ray Dooley or something along those lines, talked to us about auditioning for stuff. It was way cool seeing everyone --- well, how awesome everyone was -- improve their monologues so quickly. 

We polished and such. Once again. Things are getting for serious guys. Today, I witnessed the first playing of Usher within the Conservatory, which is awesome. I also got to see Ian try to kidnap someone. We did a couple games involving the three components of acting: packing (prep), objective (as well as tactic; what the goal of the character is), and reacting (which makes you look more like a human being). And then we polished more.

It totally sucks that tomorrow is the end of the second week. I want to kidnap you all and take you to Russia. I have a glasses factory, I mean, we've got it all over there. All joking aside, you guys are way cool and I will try my best to do my part to make this show great. 

Okay, top song is a dubstep remix of "Bad Romance" by Skrillex because a) I was trying to explain to my mom what dubstep was and failed horribly and b) I heard some Lady Gaga, which I haven't heard in a while. She's alright. The song on the bottom is "One of the Boys" by Katy Perry, even though I dislike her heavily now, there was once a time where I liked her. This is probably my favorite song by her. Quite relatable, if you ask me. 
