Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Thank you for making me the sacrifice today.

Gosh, I hate having to leave Burning Coal.. I have such great times there and then come home to headaches (there's just a lot of stress in my home currently). 

There's something I kinda want to tell you all. Well, in my junior high play's years, the week leading up to the show was called, by all the actors, "Hell Week".  Yes, we were all quite dramatic children, but really, that week really was ALWAYS Hell. You may think this an exaggeration, but I kid you not, it really was. There were so many factors that contributed to it being such a displeasure, but I guess what I'm trying to say by telling you this, is that this is the first week leading up to a show that I've enjoyed beyond belief! Yeah, we've had some rough spots, but honestly, not even close to as bad as other shows I've done. So high fives to you all! 

Wow, I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday, and then comes Friday, and then Saturday, and then... :(

Thinking about this, I decided I wanna meet up with you all again after STC's over. Like..soon. We need to make plans for this. Even Jason and Ian should come (wouldn't be a good time without 'em). I'd suggest my house..but's hardly a 2 storried townhouse. wouldn't all fit. But if a few of ya are ever around Cary, feel free to text me, and I will insist you come over. I insist you come over either way. Actually, in fact, all of you, come squish yourselves in my home. Now. 

OH! And I thought you should know that I checked out several plays from the library, so I think I sub-conciously took Ian's advice, and I'm now going to read as many plays as possible in my free time.

Alright, I shall leave you now with three songs, each with a bit of a meaning to me. 

^This one is a song I lull myself to sleep listening to most nights, although it makes me sad, because a close friend of mine who lives in Illinois really introduced me to it, and I'm missing him a lot. (Also, for the record, in the song I always change the name "Annmarie" to "Emily" because it makes me happy)

^Ah, this song... This is a song friends and I use to dance around stupidly in my room to. It just gives me a good feeling, and it's got a bit of a story in it if you listen to the words enough. And I absolutely love the sound. 

^Alright, I'll be honest, I have no idea why I like this song. I heard it on the radio a few weeks ago and found myself draw to this woman's voice. Each time, I can picture a welly choreographed dance number when I hear it. 

Until tomorrow,

Your Emily Rose 

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