Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What do you mean you've never improvised before?!?

No matter how much or little improv experience you had previously, you've all now successfully carried an improvised scene through for a full minute on stage...and each of those scenes could have continued for another several minutes.

"And then there was that time in Kindergarten when she made me eat paste."

"I wonder how she'd like it if we filled her swimming pool with paste!  I'm going to mark that on the map."

"Why don't you have anyone here to help you de-vein the shrimp?!?"

"...because I've been waiting for you.  I've been waiting for you for a very long time." 

"Hello, Mr. Smith.  Is your daughter home?  I haven't seen her in a couple weeks, so I just wanted to see how she was doing."

"Susan!  It's me...I've done it...I've grown a beard!"

Just remember the next time you improvise to say something obvious "This is awkward conversation", name the relationship "College will be so lonely without you." or start an activity "Can I get you a drink?"  Simple things will get you through.

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