Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 5: Our First Friday Together

It's Friday..Friday..we "got down" on Friday...
With some Krispy Kreme! 

Seriously, that made today special. 

So I also enjoyed the guy who came in to talk to us today..the one who looked like the guy from Mythbusters...what's his real name again?? I was very interested in each circle (that's the term he used, right?). Gosh,  I should have been writing things down.

So um, Jason? Josh said that you were gonna send guitar chords to the music people, is that true? Just curious, because yes, I over-estimated the powers of Google and found very close to nothing about The Nodd. Sooo..just curious about that. 

I can't wait for the sewing/costume making party at Taylor's tomorrow, that is going to be great. 

So.. 5 days. 5 days of knowin' you all.. 5 days of thinking that we've gotten so much done.. 5 days of finding that you're all great. Cliche, yes, but I'd be lying if I said otherwise. 

I feel my entries here becoming smaller and smaller. To be honest, I save all the good stuff for my real journal. I've been journaling for years now, and I read my old journals and find such funny things there.  Sometimes I even write notes in there to my younger self. And I do that periodically, as I change through life. Anyways though, yes, I am creepin' and putting you all (or most of you at least) in my real journal. Don't worry though, one day should it become published or something, you can all read about yourselves. It's primarily amusing though. Mwahaha. 

Goodness, I am tired. I was tired today too. In ways, I blame the weather for that. When it's gloomy, it just makes me tired. Plus... I may or may not accidentally stay up later than necessary. It's not purposeful, I just find myself thinking "Tomorrow is gonna be great!" and with that excitement, I just stay up because I suppose it gives me an adrenaline rush! And then there's you guys. Yes, I kindly blame you all for wearing me out with your awesomeness. 

Well, my mother's made muffins, so I'll leave you with some tunes..

A song from a musical:

A song you've probably heard on the radio:

And a song that you should be careful about listening to because there is one particular curse word that's used a lot (but I love the meaning in this song):

Monday should just be here now.

-Emily Rose 


  1. i have the whole group love album, time moves slow and love will save your soul are the best songs

