Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 0

Hey you guys!
I have to say, I am supremely excited about STC Sr. 2012. If you know me already, you know that write a lot, but this first time I'm gonna try to keep it short. ; ) So, firstly....

Are you doing another show you'd like us to come see? Not at the moment, but everyone should come see Raleigh Charter's shows when they open in the fall and next spring. They're going to be awesome, and hopefully I will be a part of them.

Is there a movie out that you think we should all watch? This answer comes in two parts.

1) Yes, Inception, but only because it's my favorite movie ever and I'd love to hear some feedback about the movie from perhaps people who aren't quite as infatuatuated with Joseph Gordon-Levitt or Christopher Nolan as I am (maybe. Christopher Nolan is pretty awesome)

2) I have a question for you guys. The reason I recommended Inception is because I watched it last night on Blu-ray, on the big screen (and let me say, WOW!) while my parents are at a barbecue.

I've recently become interested in Cinematography. I was rewatching it for the fifty-billionth time trying to pin down camera angles and shots and maybe analyze some of their storytelling techniques (which only works if you can remain detatched from the actual movie, which I didn't, because, as I've mentioned, I love it).

Anyway, it was a pretty cool experience, trying to count camera angles, and see how exactly they reveal to the audience the action. How they allow the story to be shown and in what way, controlling each aspect to evoke emotions and provoke certain responses in the audience-- so my question is-- does anyone out there actually know anything about cinematography? Cause I don't, but I really want to learn. If not, any other movies I should check out, or books you can reccomend? Discuss.

I also looked at some of the original concept art for Inception and tried to investigate their filming methods. Interesting results.

Fun fact: For the zero-grav/rotating hallway fight scene on the second level, in the hotel, someone actually built a section of rotating hallway to shoot it, and JGL did all his own stunts.

Post it here. It's an easy way to let everyone know what's going on, so read and post regularly.
Yeah. That was short.


  1. LOVED Inception! I stayed up late practically every night last summer watching it over and over just to make sure I'd properly grasped the storyline and the "dream within a dream within a dream" concept. Cinematography sounds very interesting.

  2. I have never seen it! pretty sad huh?

  3. Aw man, you definitely have to watch it!

  4. Thanks for spoiling it for me, Emilie...

  5. Question: is Cobb awake or asleep? Thoughts. I have a couple of theories, but I like to hear other ideas as well.

    By the way, I'm pretty sure they got the idea of the rotating hallway from a Fred Astaire scene. Dancing on the Ceiling, I think? I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's that one.

  6. Wow, I love that movie! I was you-tubing something about it one time, and I came upon a video with clips of clues - or, i guess, foreshadowing - that let you know what was REALLY happening, and it was really fun to watch again and try to spot the little clues. Also, I had to check nearly every scene to see what their talismen were doing :D
