Monday, July 23, 2012

I'm ok now...

Hey guys. Sorry to sound all conceited, but Jason said y'all heard a little bit of me crying today so now that things are calm I wanna sorta explain whats going on so you all aren't like "you're a spaz" (If you don't wanna read this you don't need to) Basically, My girlfriend and I broke up last month for private reasons and hadn't talked since. Last Thursday she contacted me saying she needed to talk to me and make it right. We scheduled to meet but it didn't happen cuz she never showed up. Well I got a call this morning from my friend who said Sara was dropped off at my house. I called her back saying I wasn't home and so she went to go get Sara back from my house but lee and I were walking to less car cuz she was gonna drive me home but Caitlin called back and said she found Sara in a pool of blood throwing up blood and was taking her to the hospital. The entire time we were dating she was anorexic and refused to eat and so her stomach would start eating itself and make her sick, so I knew that was what happened but it was never involving blood. Caitlin informed me that she was in really bad shape and could die if she refused to eat any more. I went to see her just now got home and pleaded with her to let the doctors help her but she refused. So not only did I get threatened again by her homophobic mother about getting shot if I approached her daughter but now Sara is going to die.. But yeah... So thats what was wrong. I love you all.... Taylor

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