Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Same idea / different words

As you are starting to see with our various master classes, the ideas behind acting in this country  are all the same but each artist uses slightly words to describe these ideas.

Ray dooley never used the word "beat" but when working worth mia he was breaking down her monologue into beats.  He used the word "transition" instead of beats, but its the same thing.

Whenever you hear the same idea described by two or more acting coaches in two different know its important!  Whether you call it a transition or beat, its important to break down every thing to a small atoms as you can and understand why one atom is different from the other.

He used the word "pursuit" rather than "objective", "playing the action" rather than "tactic", & "specific goal" rather than "perfect future".

Whenever you hear a new terminology try it on, use it , see how it effects you.  I rather like the idea of "pursuit",

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