Monday, July 16, 2012

4/5. There Can Only Be One

I feel slightly guilty typing this in Courier after Ian's rant about fonts today. So I didn't do my fourth blogpost, so I'm combining both days in one. Oh, like you haven't done it yet. ;D 

All joking aside, a guy who looked like Adam Savage came in to talk about acting and such. Thanks to his helpful tips, identifying motive and beats really help with finding your character's tactic. I also found out I tend to act within the first and second circles of...agh, I can't remember the terminology, but basically, onstage or in life, your stature and your body language tends to put off... -- gosh, I'm bad with words right now (with all the dots, I feel like I'm a Lady Macbeth monologue right now) -- something. You put off this idea of yourself by your posture and body language.

Well, that was a horrible paragraph. Anyway, today, we talked with Ian about auditions, which made auditions make a whole lot less scary. I did absolutely dreadful for my audition, but luckily, I intuitively hoped that charm would make them realize that I could be (may be?) good. I've just always assumed I'm less talented than everybody else going in and that makes me very deconfident (the opposite of confident, if you don't know prefixes) in what I'm doing. So thanks, Ian, for pulling back the  curtain of your strange organization of directors in the North Carolina area. 

So double tracks, as you can see. The top is one of my favorite songs (I have a lot of favorite songs, but this is an older favorite) by Tokyo Police Club. They're alright; I just like this song for some reason. On the bottom is a Bon Iver song I found from the television series Chuck. From this song, I enjoy another Bon Iver song, but this one made me sad happy, like most Bon Iver songs.

The best part about it is the quietness and then it goes into



So yeah. Byes. OH WAIT, by the way, for any of you Next to Normal punks, Fro's having a Next to Normal sing-off tomorrow, so do your homework. You also should make sure to figure out your character's tactics, as well as straighten out your monologue if it need straightening. BYE GUYS


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