Monday, July 9, 2012

Day One: Already Having a Great Time.

Firstly, I just want you all to know that today was definitely the best day of my summer so far, and probably one of my best days ever. I'll be honest, I think I learned more today than I have in the past acting years of my life. That's how great I found it. And to let you know, I Facebook stalked a lot of you and sent you friend requests, so if you get a friend request from a girl named "Emily Rose" who has her hair curled in the photo and is from Homewood, Illinois, that'd be me- it's not some creepy random person. (And thank you to those who have already accepted my friend requests!)

As far as my Day One, I came home exhausted (although I did admittedly stay up until 3amish because I was so excited for today [and excitement makes me restless]). And it was like..a first day of school; I got in the car when my mom came to pick me up, and my mother interrogated me on how my day went, but I of course told her nothing but good things. Everyone and everything was just awesome! 

Burning Coal is definitely a (good kind of) unique theater. I have never "played in the round" before though, so as far as stage directions go, I think I'll be confused for a while (have patience with me please, I will get it!). I love the space though. 

I admit, there are a few lines where I can't tell what my..I guess direction would be? What emotion am I feeling? Shakespeare definitely knows how to confuse me emotionally-wise. That I'll figure out with time too though I'm sure. 

I want to say more, but I think I'm running out of things to say! Just a few last, little things though...

I am glad to've finally made some N.C. friends! 

I am so nervously excited for tomorrow (and the rest of these three weeks)!

Don't be piles of foul earth! :P

-Emily Rose

P.S. my Facebook page for those who may want to add me:

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